Reference Stakeholder Group

CARING NATURE collaborates with external organisations, networks, projects, institutions and experts from all over Europe, gathered in the project’s Reference Stakeholder Group, to develop 10 sustainable solutions for healthcare.

Why to be part of the RSG ?

RSG members have the opportunity to learn more about innovative solutions aimed at reducing their institution’s carbon footprint. They are also invited to share their needs and give feedback on the developed solutions. This process ensures that CARING NATURE’s outcomes are optimally aligned with the healthcare sector’s needs and expectations towards the Green Transition.

What role does the RSG play within CARING NATURE ?

The RSG is committed to provide CARING NATURE partners with support and advices through thematic webinars and surveys on the different developed, tested and validated solutions.

How to become a member of the RSG ?

If you are interested in representing your organisation, network, project or institution in the CARING NATURE RSG and contribute to lower the healthcare sector’s environmental footprint :

  1. Download the Letter of Intent and complete it with the required information
  2. Send it back to Lisa Pourcher ( and Arnaud Ménial (
  3. Let’s build together a greener health and care system !
Reference Stakeholder Group

Clinicians and healthcare workers

Clinicians and healthcare workers

Clinicians and healthcare workers

Clinicians and healthcare workers

Clinicians and healthcare workers

Facility and energy managers

HCP managers

HCP managers

HCP managers

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Government, policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Health authorities and payers

Pharma, biopharma & med-tech, industry

Pharma, biopharma & med-tech, industry

Pharma, biopharma & med-tech, industry

Pharma, biopharma & med-tech, industry

Peer projects and related networks

Peer projects and related networks

Peer projects and related networks