Patient travel

TELE-ME NOW (real-time telemedicine)


Healthcare is responsible for 4-5% percent of CO2 production worldwide, with travel-related emissions accounting for approximately 20%. Real-world data show that Telemedicine, if correctly endorsed, reduces patient travel up to 60%, decreases the likelihood of car accidents by approximately 7%, saves millions of metric tons of CO2, and improves 25% of medical outcomes.

TELE-ME NOW is an all-in-one 35×35 cm suitcase including multimedia electronic healthcare record that enables integration with multiple other EHR or peripheral devices. TELE-ME NOW enables remote physicians to gather the same pieces of information they would have access during in-person visits, through secure platforms and patient -friendly peripheral devices. These enable intuitive real-time, video-audio, remote physical evaluation, including heart, lungs and bowel auscultation, skin and Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) inspection, vital parameters monitoring, ECG-Holter.

 Expected results

TELE-ME NOW aims to increase the adoption of telemedicine and therefore, to increase quality, access and timely care as well as to reduce healthcare costs and carbon footprint due to patient travel to and from hospitals.

Lead Developer

Co-developed and tested in

  • Use Case 26 in FPG’s premises in Italy

Validated in

  • Use Case 27 in FHAG’s premises in Spain
  • Use Case 28 in WPH’s premises in Finland