For the CARING NATURE project, the year 2025 begins with an exciting workshop gathering 50+ health and care profesisonals, researchers, engineers, energy managers, policymakers and more to advance the development of our knowledge-sharing system (KSS).

KSS is dedicated to providing actions, knwoledge, innovations, best practices and more to support decision-making and drive behavioral change towards an environmentally sustainable healthcare, and its development relies on the expert vision of our RSG members.

During this workshop held on 21 January 2025, our partner Chiara Cadeddu (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and her research team – comprising  Doris Zjalic, Gaia Surya Lombardi, Mattia Di Russo, Alessio Perilli and Giulia Congedo – organised dicussion sessions and conducted a live suvey to gather insights about the taxonomy for actions.


Thanks to the valuable input of RSG members, the development of our knowledge-sharing solution made significant progress. Additionally, our sister projects KitNewCare and NetZeroAICT participated to share interesting ideas and strengthen our ongoing collaboration aimed at reducing the healthcare sector’s environmental footprint.